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Reports and statistics

This is the most exciting aspect of Email Sauce - watch people open your email in real-time (although a warning that the refresh/reload button can be addictive!)

Real time reporting

Quickly see how you campaign has performed with our simple email campaign snapshot.

See how many recipients opened your email, clicked a link, forwarded your email to a friend, unsubscribed and lots more.


When did people open your mail and what did they click

Find out exactly who is checking out your email with our Open and Clicks Over Time Report.

Useful for getting an overview for the life of an email campaign. You have the ability to view minute by minute detail if you wish by drilling down through report.


What's popular?

Our Link Activity & Overlay report lets you see which are the most popular links in your email, as well as which subscribers clicked them.

Switching on our overlay feature allows you visually to see which were the most popular links in your email. Great for making decisions on the format of your next campaign.


Compare campaigns

Easily compare any of your email campaigns with each other.

Check to see if your open rate is improving over time. See which content is most popular with your subscribers and more importantly which content isn't.


Reporting features

Google Analytics
Automatic Google Analytics link tagging to easily track your sales and conversions.

Forward to a friend
Track viral activity by seeing exactly which subscribers forward on to a friend.

Compare Campaigns
Spot trends by comparing opens, clicks and more for multiple campaigns at once.

Link Clicks
Learn what subscribers are interested in by which links were popular, who clicked.

See who bounced and why, and we’ll figure out if we should try again or remove them from the list.

We make sure you don’t accidentally try and send to them again in the future.

Spam Complaints
Integration with Yahoo!, Hotmail and more mean we can report on complaints.

Export to Excel
Export all reporting data to Excel for offline storage or further analysis.

Activity Timeline
See your complete history with every subscriber in a handy timeline.

Top notch delivery
Authentication, relationships with ISPs and more ensure your emails are delivered.

Sign up now for your free account.

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